A portal administrator is able to manage a growing number of settings that are visible in the portal.
To access the admin interface, see Portal admin interface.
Page Size¶
The number of items from a list per page. The widget store lists the widgets per 10 items by default. Changing this value will change the number of Widgets shown per page in the store.
Title suffix¶
Each page in the portal has a default suffix of "- Rave" in the browser's title bar. The administrator can change this into the company name or any other value.
JavaScript Debug Mode¶
Enabled(1): Serves out the individual Rave JavaScript files separately (rave*.js), unmodified, for easy debugging.
This is the default setting.
Disabled(0): Serves out one single concatenated and minified JavaScript file (rave_all.min.js) useful for production environments when performance is more important. This file is built using the wro4j-maven-plugin at build time.
Initial Widget Status¶
Defines the status of a Widget that has just been added to the Widget Store. The default setting is "PREVIEW" which means an administrator must first publish the Widget before users can add the Widget to their page.
Default widget height¶
The height in pixels that a widget will be rendered with if none is specified by the widget. Default is 250.
Show stack trace on error pages¶
Enabled(1): Will render a link on the error JSP page to view a stack trace, useful for debugging purposes.
Disabled(0): Will not render the link or stack trace, useful for production environments where you don't want to expose code details.
Local (URL) of external widget marketplace¶
Defines the location of a widget marketplace external to the Rave implementation.