Default setup¶
In the default setup, Apache Rave uses a file-based H2 database. Apache Rave and Apache Shindig run in the same Apache Tomcat server as separate web applications but share data, so we use H2's Automatic Mixed Mode.
NOTICE upgrading to Rave 0.21+¶
As of Rave 0.21 the database access configuration has been changed and moved to application container provided JNDI resources. When upgrading to 0.21+ make sure to update and merge with the default provided and files, which now define the new and required JNDI resource lookup names to use:¶¶
Filling the default database¶
All schemes are generated using JPA annotations. The H2 database is populated with low level SQL queries using the DataSourcePopulator which is configured as Spring bean. These queries are not guaranteed to work for a different database.
<bean id="dataSourcePopulator" class="org.apache.rave.jdbc.util.DataSourcePopulator"> <property name="executeScriptQuery" value="SELECT * FROM widget"/> <property name="scriptLocations"> <list> <value>classpath:initial_data.sql</value> </list> </property> </bean>
If the query in executeScriptQuery
returns no error and no results, the database will be populated with the contents of scriptLocations
Access the default database¶
When the application is running, the H2 databases can be accessed through a web interface. In the default setup this is configured using a Spring bean:
<bean id="" class="" factory-method="createWebServer" depends-on="dataSource" init-method="start" lazy-init="false" destroy-method="stop"> <constructor-arg value="-web,-webPort,11111"/> </bean>
Both Apache Rave and Apache Shindig are accessible from the database: http://localhost:11111. The default
username is sa
, password is local
, and JDBC URL is jdbc:h2:file:///tmp/rave_db
. In Windows the JDBC URL is jdbc:h2:file://c:/tmp/rave_db
if you run Apache Rave from the c: drive.
You can change the file location for both databases by editing Apache Rave's top level pom.xml file. Change the property rave.database.location
to the desired
Setup a different database¶
First start with extending Rave.
Make sure the JDBC driver ends up in the container classpath as the database access is provided by the application container through JNDI resource lookup, so add it to a common lib directory of the application container. If you use the Cargo plugin to run or package your application container setup, replace the dependencies for the com.h2database.h2:jar with your own JDBC driver jar like in the rave-portal pom.xml (note: 2 times!).
If you remove the H2 JDBC driver from the classpath, you need to override the dataContext.xml
Spring configuration file. Remove the configuration for the H2 Web console. This is the bean with class
Then customize the properties for the portal and Shindig to use the type of database of your choice.
The default portal properties can be found in rave-portal-resources/src/main/resources/
, the default Shindig properties in rave-providers/rave-opensocial-provider/rave-opensocial-server/rave-shindig/src/main/resources/
Note: only the database type specific properties, like the jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database can be configured in these properties files.
The database connection parameters itself need to be configured in your project pom.xml (accessible by the Cargo plugin for its run or package goal).
The default connection properties are configured in the main Rave project pom.xml as follows:
<!-- Rave default jdbc datasource configuration --> <!-- The location of Rave's H2 file DB. No trailing / --> <rave.database.location>/tmp/rave_db</rave.database.location> <rave.dataSource.driver>org.h2.Driver</rave.dataSource.driver> <rave.dataSource.username>sa</rave.dataSource.username> <rave.dataSource.password>local</rave.dataSource.password> <rave.dataSource.url>jdbc:h2:${rave.database.location};AUTO_SERVER=TRUE</rave.dataSource.url> <!-- Rave Portal default jdbc datasource configuration: using rave default configuration shared with Shindig --> <portal.dataSource.driver>${rave.dataSource.driver}</portal.dataSource.driver> <portal.dataSource.url>${rave.dataSource.url}</portal.dataSource.url> <portal.dataSource.username>${rave.dataSource.username}</portal.dataSource.username> <portal.dataSource.password>${rave.dataSource.password}</portal.dataSource.password> <!-- Rave Shindig default jdbc datasource configuration: using rave default configuration shared with Portal --> <shindig.dataSource.driver>${rave.dataSource.driver}</shindig.dataSource.driver> <shindig.dataSource.url>${rave.dataSource.url}</shindig.dataSource.url> <shindig.dataSource.username>${rave.dataSource.username}</shindig.dataSource.username> <shindig.dataSource.password>${rave.dataSource.password}</shindig.dataSource.password>
As you can see from above, you can provide separate configurations for Rave Portal or Rave Shindig, although in the default configuration both use the same.
Sample values¶
JDBC driver¶
<dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.15</version> </dependency>
Apache Rave portal:
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=MYSQL
OpenSocial data (Apache Shindig):
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.MySQLDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=MYSQL
pom.xml properties:
<rave.dataSource.driver>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</rave.dataSource.driver> <rave.dataSource.username>rave</rave.dataSource.username> <rave.dataSource.password>rave</rave.dataSource.password> <rave.dataSource.url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/rave</rave.dataSource.url>
The DataSourcePopulator uses a single statement to execute all queries in the configured SQL files. The MySQL JDBC driver does not allow this by default, unless you add allowMultiQueries=true
to the driver URL.
JDBC driver¶
<dependency> <groupId>postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>9.0-801.jdbc4</version> </dependency>
Apache Rave portal:
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=POSTGRESQL
OpenSocial data (Apache Shindig):
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.PostgresDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=POSTGRESQL
pom.xml properties:
<rave.dataSource.driver>org.postgresql.Driver</rave.dataSource.driver> <rave.dataSource.username>rave</rave.dataSource.username> <rave.dataSource.password>rave</rave.dataSource.password> <rave.dataSource.url>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/rave</rave.dataSource.url>
- The DataSourcePopulator cannot handle a PostgreSQL database that has not yet been initialized.
- The syntax for setting variables in SQL queries in PostgreSQL is different from the syntax in H2 databases. Therefore the default data cannot be loaded using the initial_data.sql file.
Oracle 10g¶
JDBC driver¶
Install the Oracle JDBC driver in the common/lib directory of your Apache Tomcat instance. This driver is not available in a public Maven repository.
Apache Rave portal:
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=ORACLE
OpenSocial data (Apache Shindig):
jpa.jpaDialect=org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary jpa.jpaVendorAdapter.database=ORACLE
pom.xml properties:
<rave.dataSource.driver>oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</rave.dataSource.driver> <rave.dataSource.username>rave</rave.dataSource.username> <rave.dataSource.password>rave</rave.dataSource.password> <rave.dataSource.url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:rave</rave.dataSource.url>
Initial data¶
The syntax for setting variables in SQL queries in Oracle is different from the syntax in H2 databases. Therefore the default data cannot be loaded using the initial_data.sql file. OpenJPA can create the schema. With help from Oracle SQL Developer the minimal set of necessary data can be inserted. The script below inserts the Apache Rave portal sequences, the page layouts and granted permissions:
SET serveroutput ON SET echo OFF DECLARE page_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'page'; page_layout_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'page_layout'; region_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'region'; region_widget_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'region_widget'; user_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'person'; person_association_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'person_association'; groups_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'groups'; group_members_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'group_members'; widget_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'widget'; granted_authority_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'granted_authority'; widget_comment_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'widget_comment'; widget_rating_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'widget_rating'; portal_preference_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'portal_preference'; tag_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'tag'; widget_tag_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'widget_tag'; category_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'category'; page_type_seq VARCHAR2(128) := 'page_type'; user_authority_id NUMBER; col_id NUMBER; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Apache Rave Initialisation script starting'); BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Dropping table RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES'); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error ' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM); END; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Creating table RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES'); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES (seq_name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,seq_count NUMBER(19))'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM); END; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Inserting RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES values'); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( page_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( page_layout_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( region_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( region_widget_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( 'region_widget_preference', 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( user_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( person_association_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( groups_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( group_members_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( widget_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( widget_comment_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( widget_rating_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( granted_authority_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( portal_preference_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES (seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES (tag_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( widget_tag_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( category_seq, 1 ); INSERT INTO RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES ( seq_name, seq_count ) VALUES ( page_type_seq, 1 ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line ( 'Error' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM ) ; END; BEGIN /* USER */ dbms_output.put_line ( 'Inserting granted_authority USER value' ) ; SELECT seq_count INTO user_authority_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = granted_authority_seq; INSERT INTO granted_authority ( entity_id, authority, default_for_new_user ) VALUES ( user_authority_id, 'ROLE_USER', 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = granted_authority_seq; dbms_output.put_line('Inserting granted_authority ADMIN value'); /* ADMIN */ SELECT seq_count INTO user_authority_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = granted_authority_seq; INSERT INTO granted_authority ( entity_id, authority, default_for_new_user ) VALUES ( user_authority_id, 'ROLE_ADMIN', 0 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = granted_authority_seq; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line ( 'Error' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM ) ; END; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Inserting page_layout values'); SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_1', 1, 0 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_2', 2, 1, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_2wn', 2, 2, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_3', 3, 3, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_3nwn', 3, 4, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_3_newuser', 3, 5, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_4', 4, 6, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; SELECT seq_count INTO col_id FROM RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; INSERT INTO page_layout ( entity_id, code, number_of_regions, render_sequence, user_selectable ) VALUES ( col_id, 'columns_3nwn_1_bottom', 4, 7, 1 ); UPDATE RAVE_PORTAL_SEQUENCES SET seq_count = (seq_count + 1) WHERE seq_name = page_layout_seq; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line ( 'Error' || SQLCODE || ' - ' || SQLERRM ) ; END; END;