The look and feel (GUI) of the Apache Rave Portal can be customized to your own preference. The Apache Rave Portal contains a mechanism to easily add your own CSS file(s) which are called after the default.css file.

1) Get Apache Rave

There are multiple ways to build your custom Apache Rave instance, but the quickest is to use a Maven WAR overlay. See Extending Rave for an example overlay.

2) Add CSS file(s)

Add you own CSS file(s) to the src/main/webapp/css folder of your extension portal module.

3) Refer to the new CSS file(s)

  • Create a JSP tag file: src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/custom_css.tag
  • Add a link to the stylesheet(s) in the custom_css.tag:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/css/my_custom.css"/>"/>

4) Change default settings

A portal administrator can change default settings such as the page title in the browser's title bar. This is described on the Portal preferences help page.